Kofax Nuance Power PDF Standard 3.0

  • Description
  • Customer Reviews
  • Superior OCR & file conversion accuracy: Nuance pioneered and continues to innovate on PDF conversion, powered by Nuance OmniPage technology, the world’s most accurate OCR. Images are converted with unmatched speed, accuracy and preservation of the original format
  • Intuitive interface with a Windows standard ribbon UI: The Microsoft Office style ribbon delivers a familiar, intuitive user interface and a “search-for-tool” capability so you can always find the right tool for the right task
  • Powerful and easy-to-use text editor: Get word processing capabilities in your PDF. Eliminate the frustration of having to re-create or locate an original document to repurpose and edit its contents. Familiar tools such as text edit, bold, underline, and highlight let you edit your PDF file quickly and easily
  • Kofax acquired Nuance in 2018, packaging may vary


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